New-born but with 20 years of experience gained.
Limcar S.r.l. is a spin-off startup from a large company operating in field of design, production of engineering solutions for electric quadricycles made in Italy. Strongly backed by a know-how of more than 20 years, derived by Green Vehicles S.r.l., the company proposes as project the creation of ElettraCity, an electric quadricycle, unique and ideal in urban circumstances.
ElettraCity is the first solar-charged vehicle at the price of a scooter. It is a two-seater, drivable from 16 years (from 14 years, it is in ratification), built entirely in Italy and, thanks to the integrated application to manage every aspect, it is perfect for Car Sharing fleets and rentals. The strength of this vehicle, in addition to the patent of photovoltaic panel on the roof, is certainly that of being unique in its kind, being able to customize it, both for individuals and for companies.
Made in Italy
Competitive price: from € 5,250 + IVA (with state incentives)
Photovoltaic panel for solar charging:, maximum increase of 30% of the basic autonomy
App mobile for vehicle control
The ElettraCity patented design takes on a sporty look but also maintaining the comfort.
Two comfortable seats, a large boot and the photovoltaic panel on the roof, make ElettraCity the Minicar of the future. In fact, Limcar holds the patent of electric vehicle with an innovated design, equipped with battery management system (BMS) as well as other devices which integrate a high technological content.
The interior has a sporty and dynamic character, with sleek and essential lines. ElettraCity's dashboard, can be customized with a digital display and radio, or by installing the brand new 10 "touchpad, from which you can control every aspect of the vehicle, including the navigator, radio, music and video apps.
Use all the energy of the Sun!
The strength of ElettraCity is the ability to recharge 30% and more, of the battery through an integrated photovoltaic panel that recharges the vehicle directly from renewable and free energy.

ElettraCity is real
Limcar has already developed its Elettracity prototype on which it is carrying out all the necessary tests.
Contact us
Send us an email, we’ll reply as soon as possible
Limcar Srl | P.le A. Ciabotti, 8 60035 Jesi (AN) | P.IVA 02685740421 | info@limcar.it | Tel.+39 0731 288089